need help

charlene asked 13 years ago

i am 18. i am an introvert by nature.i feel incomfortable going out even with my frnds or meeting strangers. i am usually an easy going person but just steeping out from my house creates a feel of fear, and shyness.i want to get rid of this. please help.

1 Answers
Insight Psychological Staff answered 13 years ago

There are a lot of past issues that you are dealing with and it makes sense that these issues are tied up with your sexuality, thus preventing you from having an orgasm. You learned at a very young age to detach from sex. it is going to take a lot of work to retrain your body into believing that sex is an enjoyable place. It will also take some work for you to reclaim control over your sexuality, so you can control your own sexual responses. Often when women are raped, they prevent their bodies from accepting sexual enjoyment, thus preventing climax.

If you come in to speak to one of our therapists, we will help you find closure with the trauma you have experienced. We will also help you reclaim your body (and your sexuality) so you can enjoy sex and learn to orgasm.

Insight Psychological Staff answered 13 years ago

Dear Need-help

It sounds like there is more going on here than introversion. You show some symptoms of potential social anxiety. I would be curious about how long you have felt this way, and the extent to which it is affecting your life. Working with a therapist would be benificial because a therapist will collaborate with you to slowly become more comfortable (to adapt) to the situations that cause you anxiety. If you are having difficulties just steping out of the house, I suggest you call The Crisis Line (780-482-HELP(4357)). If you are able to leave your home inorder to speak to a therapist directly, you may call us here at insight Psychological (780-461-1717) or The Support Network for their walk-in counseling (780-482-0198).