ignorance from husband

Ask A Therapist Onlineignorance from husband
aymahs asked 13 years ago

my husband dosn’t need me.. he is not interestd in me… what should I do?

1 Answers
Best Answer
Insight Psychological Staff answered 12 years ago

This is a very difficult thing to go through. You are most likely looking for a quick solution, and I’m sorry to say there isn’t one. However, there are several things you can do to put the love back into your marriage. Changing a relationship can start with one person. Essentially, your husband needs to find a reason to be connected with you. In order to create this connection, you are going to have to change your interactions. This is no easy task and you will have to start by taking little steps. You will also have to start doing things differently than what you are used to.

I am going to refer you to a program that sends out weekly emails. I highly suggest signing up for these free emails and reading them regularly. The information in them can help you change your relationship.
