Return To Work

Returning to work after maternity leave may be easy and simple for some, but for others it can prove to be quite difficult and challenging. There is no right way to return to work after birth and every new parent’s situation will be different from one another. 

There are many different emotions one may experience, as one plans to return to work. These emotions can range from guilt and sadness all the way to excitement and empowerment. Either way returning to work can be an emotional experience no matter the emotions you are feeling. 

Common Emotions You May Experience

  • Anxiety
  • Guilt
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Excitement
  • Relief
  • Empowerment
  • Jealousy 
  • Resentment
  • Grief

Besides facing a range of different emotions of returning to work, there are also various other challenges a new parent may face. This include things such as: 

  • Physical recovery of birth – this can be a slow and painful process for every new mom. Every woman will have a different healing process so it is important to take your time to heal and adjust.
  • Time management – Balancing your return to work while also balancing the demands of parenthood can be quite difficult leaving little time for yourself. It is important to recognize your boundaries and ensure you are taking care of yourself. 
  • Financial pressures – Cost of childcare, reduced income, cost of living, economic insecurity and pressure to perform again at work can all create financial stress for new parents. 

When returning to work you will also likely face some unexpected challenges so it is important to prepare yourself beforehand. Preparing ahead of time before going back to work can help you to create a smooth transition for you and your child. There are many ways new parents can work to navigate this challenging time, such as:

  • Finding reliable childcare
  • Considering flexible working hours
  • Seeking support from colleagues, friends and family
  • If breastfeeding – making a feeding plan, including places you can pump at your place of work
  • Creating a routine
  • Setting clear boundaries
  • Making self-care a priority
  • Don’t overdo it
  • Being kind to yourself

How Can We Help?

1) Counselling 

Counselling can be quite beneficial when returning to work. This transitional period can bring about a wide range of emotions, including anxiety, guilt, stress, or uncertainty which can affect a parent’s well-being and effectiveness in the workplace. Counselling provides a safe and supportive space where parents can process their emotions, validate their concerns, and develop coping strategies for managing the challenges of balancing work and family responsibilities. 

2) Massage Therapy

Returning to work can be a stressful transition, which can lead to increased physical tension in individuals, especially as they readjust to the demands of their job while balancing family responsibilities. Massage therapy offers a natural way to allevaite these types of stressors by promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension, and improving overall well-being. The nurturing touch of massage therapy can also help to stimulate the release of endoprhins, which are natural mood lifters, helping individuals feel more positive and emotionally balanced as the navigate back to work. 

3) Osteopathy (Coming Soon)

Osteopathy can help individuals in returning to work helping to address any lingering physical pain or discomfort. It can help individuals to regain their mobility, strength and overall physical well-being, which are successful for reintegration into the workplace. It can also help to improve posture, alleviate tension, and enhance overall body wellness, which can reduce the risk of injury and discomfort during prolonged periods or sitting at work. Overall, osteopathy can help play a valuable role in supporting individuals as they transition back to work helping to promote physical health, comfort, and confidence in their ability to meet the demands of their job and being a parent.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help!