
New Parenthood

At Spring Reproductive & Perinatal Wellness Center, we provide comprehensive support throughout your journey from conception to parenthood, offering expert guidance and resources to navigate each stage with confidence and peace of mind. From fertility support to perinatal care and beyond, we’re dedicated to accompanying you every step of the way.

new parenthood

How We Can Help

Depression, stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues

Becoming a parent can be a big change, and if you find yourself facing anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges during this time, we are here to provide the support and resources you need.

Bonding with your baby and fostering baby’s emotional development

We offer compassionate support and resources to facilitate bonding with your baby, providing guidance, encouragement, and practical assistance to nurture a strong and loving connection from the very beginning.

Transition into parenthood

We are here to ease the transition into parenthood, offering guidance, reassurance, and practical tools to navigate the joys and challenges of this new chapter with confidence and resilience.


We provide support and tailored resources for families embarking on the journey of adoption, offering guidance, information, and emotional support to facilitate a smooth transition and create a loving home for your newest family member.

Return to Work

Returning to work after a leave can be a scary thing. We can provide you with support such as counselling, assessments, and guidance to help you balance your career and family responsibilities with confidence and ease while ensuring a smooth transition back to work.

Supporting a child with threatening illness or disability, FASD

We provide empathetic support and tailored resources for families navigating the unique challenges of raising a child with disabilities, offering guidance, advocacy, and emotional support to empower you in providing the best possible care and opportunities for your child.

Interested in learning more?

Call us today and we can help you navigate where to start on your journey!