Histrionic Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are mental health disorders that are defined by established and enduring patterns of behaviour and thinking that interfere with your ability to function and maintain healthy relationships, and in general, impact your life negatively.

There are 10 personality disorders that are divided into 3 clusters:

  • Cluster A: Odd or abnormal behaviour
  • Cluster B: Dramatic or emotional behaviour
  • Cluster C: Anxious or fearful behaviour

Histrionic personality disorder is categorized under Cluster B (dramatic or emotional behaviour) and is characterized by an extreme, constant need for attention. Those with histrionic personality disorder may manipulate situations and other people to keep the “spotlight” on them. This can lead to forced isolation from friends and loved ones, who tire of the dramatic actions of those with histrionic personality disorder.

Symptoms & signs of histrionic personality disorder include:

  • Being easily influenced by others
  • Low self-esteem – needs approval from others
  • Exaggerated or theatrical displays of emotion and speech
  • Use of physical appearance to get attention from others
  • Inappropriate (out of control) sexual behaviour
  • Distorted view of personal relationships (thinks they are more intimate than they actually are)

When is it time to get help?

People with histrionic personality disorder are usually very sociable and outgoing and may not seem to be under stress from this disorder, but if you are someone experiencing these symptoms, you know how tiring it can be to always have to be “on”, to be constantly strategizing how to be the centre of attention, and how lonely it can be when you notice that most of your relationships are superficial or that people avoid you. If you’re experiencing this or you have symptoms that you cannot control, then it’s time to seek help.

Histrionic personality disorder treatment methods

This personality disorder can be treated with psychotherapy and other means. Treatment methods that may be effective in treating histrionic personality disorder include:

  • Behavioural therapy tends to view human beings and behaviour with the assumption that humans are a product of their sociocultural conditioning and environment, looking at the current problems and the factors influencing them and emphasizes behaviour changes more than the underlying unconscious processes.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based approach to treatment that focuses on how people’s thoughts, emotions, and beliefs influence their behaviour and how they perceive themselves.
  • Emotionally focused therapy is based on observations and experience. It looks at emotions and emotional intelligence, which helps support stronger and more secure relationships by helping better understand how our actions impact others, and how our emotions drive our interaction.
  • Person centered therapy differs from more traditional therapeutic approaches in the belief that, while the therapist has expertise in many areas, the client is the expert on themselves and their lived experiences. People are essentially trustworthy and have a vast potential for understanding themselves while also being able to ultimately resolve their own problems when guided properly.
  • Mindfulness therapy is an approach to treatment that focuses on how people’s thoughts, emotions, and beliefs influence their behaviour and how they perceive themselves, others, and the world. The ability to be in the moment, to acknowledge and regulate your emotions helps you to break free from negative thought patterns.
  • Solution focused therapy views people as inherently strong and resilient, and capable of creating change and discovering solutions to their everyday problem.
  • Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment method that is similar to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) but emphasizes building skills to manage stress, mental health issues, and the psycho-social aspects of relationship building.

To choose the right combination of treatments, an assessment will first be done, and together with your therapist, you’ll find the treatment method that best suits your unique personality and circumstances.

What will I get out of treatment with Insight Psychological?

We can support you as you learn strategies to manage this personality disorder. We can work with you to increase your confidence and self esteem and reduce the stress that you feel as a result of your need for attention. We can work with you to help you to manage your symptoms and to help you to become self-confident, self-assured, and to create healthier personal relationships. Insight has several convenient locations in Alberta with caring, compassionate, and knowledgeable therapists available to support you on your journey. Insight Psychological can help. Please call us today to learn more or to book an appointment.



Brooke Hendricks

Edmonton South, Online, Sherwood Park


Loriann Quinlan

Edmonton South, Edmonton West, Online

Adults, Seniors

Morganne Stubbs

Online, Sherwood Park

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Assessments

Brandi Enns

Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments

Sabrina Brady

Edmonton Central, Edmonton North, Online

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments

Karla Buchholz

Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality

Nicole Donovan

Edmonton South, Online, Sherwood Park

Adults, Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17)

Kathryn Maier

Edmonton North, Online

Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Families, Assessments

Cody Cobler

Edmonton North, Online, Sherwood Park

Adults, Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Families, LGBTQ community

Dawn Doucet Banting

Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community

Meghan Odsen

Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments

Emily Couture

Edmonton South, Sherwood Park, Online

Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Assessments

Brittany Zabolotniuk

Spring Perinatal Services, Online, Edmonton South

Adults, Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors

Lauren Chow

Edmonton Central, Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Couples, LGBTQ community

Clayton Poberezny

Edmonton West, Online, Edmonton North

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments

Dr. Hendriatta Wong

Corporate Services

Shirley Leonard

Corporate Services

Tara-Lee Goerlitz

Corporate Services

Trina Wilson Orieux

Corporate Services


Leah Cadieux

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples, Infants

Tracey Howell

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples

Sonya Duffee

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples

Julia Braga

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples

Jennine Fayad

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples

Jackie Pubantz

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors

Megan Hoffman

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples

At this time, Insight Psychological does not have therapists who specialize in this specific area, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help you! Please contact us to talk with our Intake Personnel to find a therapist that is a good fit for you and your unique circumstances.