Many managers may find it intimidating, conflicting, and highly uncomfortable when faced with the expectation to play multiple roles (active listener, supporter, advisor, supervisor, investigator, and more) in the handling of mental health and safety and/or substance dependency issues/cases. The risk of unintentionally 1) crossing over from a supportive listener to an unqualified counsellor, 2) violating employees’ employment and human rights, and/or 3) simply not knowing how to best help the employees in need, can have serious implications for both the employees and the organization.
For reasons above, managers may need the support and assistance of a trained therapist, workplace mental wellness specialist, certified workplace investigator, and/or experienced case manager when dealing with employee mental health and safety and/or substance dependency issues/cases.
Insight’s Management Assistance Program (MAP-4C) is flexible, multi-pronged program designed to allow managers to access the following support and assistance whenever they are in need:
Click on each of the following links for a more detailed description of each program:
- Management Self Care
- Management Coaching and Training
- Mental Health Issue/Case Management Support
- Harassment/Bullying Case Investigation and Resolution
- Fit/Return-to-Work Assessment for Mental Health Injury
Contact Insight Psychological today to learn more.