
Can My Child Benefit From Therapy?

Posted on 21/11/2011 in Children, Family Issues, Parenting

Parenting is a difficult and complicated process that predominantly involves understanding the emotional and intellectual needs of your child. Some children present more problems than others, especially in areas of impulse control and anger management. Common Issues Common issues which may warrant considering children's therapy with a professional therapist include: frequent fighting with peers bed-wetting extreme shyness anger issues appearing sad and depressed for no reason difficulty completing school work showing no respect for teachers or other authority figures exhibiting obsessive-compulsive characteristics. Insight's children's psychologists in Edmonton are trained to recognize whether a problem actually exists which needs to be… Read More Here!


Choosing the Right Child Psychologist in Calgary

Posted on 21/11/2011 in Children, Parenting, Tips for Therapy

Choosing the right child psychologist is important to both you and your child. A troubled child who does not like their therapist will not respond well to treatment and may even develop worsening symptoms. Additionally, you want to feel comfortable around your child's psychologist and feel like he or she understands and empathizes with the problems you and your child are experiencing. Where to Start An excellent way to begin the process of choosing the right child psychologist is to schedule an initial visit with one of Insight's Psychologists in Calgary before bringing your child in. Here, you can discuss… Read More Here!


Why Siblings Fight

Posted on 24/05/2011 in Children, Family Issues, Parenting

“Ahh, the sweet sound of siblings fighting” said no parent ever! Siblings who argue, tease each other mercilessly, even resort to fighting physically are a cause of major frustration for parents who are constantly acting as referee. Although jealousy is what often what comes to mind when siblings fight, it is not the only reason. Sibling squabbles start after the second child is born and continues until both grow old enough to leave the home. Even then, arguments among adult siblings are still not uncommon. CHANGING NEEDS The different needs of children as they grow can affect how they relate… Read More Here!


Positive Discipline with Children

Posted on 24/05/2011 in Children, Parenting

Most parents don’t enjoy disciplining their child – even though correcting bad behaviour is a necessary part of parenting. Positive discipline is a way of setting limits on children without damaging their self esteem. As a parent, it’s important to know how to set limits effectively, without harming your child’s self-esteem. This is done through positive discipline. Psychologists say this is the best approach to use with children when they misbehave and the key is to focus your attention on the behavior and not on the child. Parents also need to distinguish between deliberate behavior and unintentional behavior to know… Read More Here!


How to Deal with a Teen who has Compulsive Exercise Disorder

Posted on 24/05/2011 in Body Image, Children, Parenting

Most people agree that regular activity is a good thing for the body. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins in the body. This hormone is responsible for the feeling of well-being that often comes after exercise, sex, or eating chocolate. Called the endorphin rush, this has a number of beneficial effects for the body – such as increasing pleasure and reducing pain. Exercise strengthens the heart and the muscles, gets rid of unwanted weight, lowers the amount of fat in the body, and reduces the risk of disease. All of these contribute to an overall sense of well being. WHAT… Read More Here!