About Anxiety & Depression

At Insight Psychological, our specialized therapists are here to support you on your mental health journey. While each therapist may specialize in certain counselling areas, they all have knowledge and experience in the treatment of anxiety and depression. We are here to support you if you have concerns in the following areas that relate to anxiety and depression:

If you’re experiencing mental health issues, you are not alone. It’s estimated that 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health issue or problem in any given year. By age forty, half of the population in Canada will have, or have had, a mental illness[1].

Anxiety and mood disorders (including depression disorders) are one of the most common mental health issues – about 12% of adults reported experiencing an anxiety or mood disorder[2]. Although it seems that awareness and acceptance of mental health issues are increasing, there may still be a stigma attached to mental health issues, as people still tend not to talk about it or seek treatment. Almost half of the people who feel they have suffered from depression or anxiety have never gone to see a doctor about this problem[3]. We wouldn’t think of walking around with a broken leg or punctured lung (no matter how we sustained the injury) without seeking help and attention. Yet, we’re willing to do the same with mental illness. Many people are still suffering in silence.

At Insight, we believe there is no shame in mental illness. We applaud you for taking action and making a choice to manage and overcome your mental health issues and to improve your mental wellness. please contact us – we’d be honoured to support you on your journey to optimizing your life.

[1] Mental Health Commission of Canada (2013). Making the case for investing in mental health in Canada.

[2] https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/diseases-conditions/mood-anxiety-disorders-canada.html

[3] https://cmha.ca/fast-facts-about-mental-illness