Up The Rabbit Hole: The Connection Between Food & Intimacy with Kenzie Brenna

On this episode of Up the Rabbit Hole, join Dr. Cory Hrushka and Brandi Enns as they have a chat with content creator, speaker, Toronto writer, and champion of body positivity Kenzie Brenna on the topic of Food and Intimacy. Food and intimacy share an intricate connection that influences our emotional well-being and relationships. Your relationship with food can either enhance or create distance between your relationship with others as well as yourself. Our body image, shaped by our relation with food, significantly affects how we engage with others and feel about ourselves. Both food and sex trigger dopamine release, highlighting the reward aspect that connects these experiences.

Cory, Brandi, and Kenzie also explore topics along society’s pressures regarding body modification and how that impacts body confidence which then complicates intimate dynamics. Ultimately, being able to understand how our relationship with food impacts intimacy can empower us to seek balance and enhance our overall well-being.

You can find Kenzie Brenna on Instagram @kenziebrenna and as well on Substack at kenziebrenna.substack.com.

Up the Rabbit Hole is a podcast where sex therapist Dr. Cory Hrushka speaks about all things sex and gender. We invite you to listen to our episodes here.

You may also find us on Instagram @insightpsychologicalinc and our website at www.insightpsychological.ca.

Happy listening!